wiki:More Awesome

How to make WebKit more awesome

Get more individuals to contribute

Nightly builds for other platforms (GTK said it is difficult, but are looking into it). Contact community ports and see if they'll contribute builds.

More blog posts. All contributors are welcome. No subject is too small. e.g. llvm-weekly - provides information for external and internal development. Resurrect TWiWK.

List of easy bugs for newcomers. Or suggestions for small exciting projects. e.g. new features in the Inspector, Improving tools. List of mentors who are available to help people start in areas.

More accessible list of reviewers.

Faster reviews - reviewers should not let patches sit in the queue.

New Website design, with HiDPI artwork.

People are possibly put off by how difficult it is to build on Windows. Sam notes that a unified build system is not out of the question - Apple's only requirement is that an Xcode project is available.

More documentation - pages on the web site, blog posts. Sample topics:

Platform layering

Render tree (hyatt's series was given as an example)

Describing some useful/complex classes

WTF does WTF mean?

How do CSS concepts map into C++ code?

Reviewer guidelines. Keep contributors updated to the latest coding trends. e.g. prefer range for loops if possible. Should these be in the style guidelines? Document more of our general knowledge (e.g. try to give per-method information in the ChangeLog, avoid null checks, make sure you use ASSERT_W_S_E when necessary)

iOS Simulator builds.

"A Gentle Introduction to C++ for Web floks" with Bem Jones-Bey

Volunteers needed for people to clean up some crufty but solid parts of the code, such as the loader, bindings generators.

Contributors should file bugs with lots of detail for easy tasks that people can pick up. e.g. refactoring could reference/promote projects outside the tree that are cool uses of WebKit

Document the requirements for a new port to be accepted into the project and live in the tree.

Active contributors

Build system

Google Summer of Code projects. Gets a lot of interest from academic institutions.

Demos (no review necessary for anything with Tim's head)

Lightning ⚡ Round

remove ChangeLogs

move to git, then back to svn, then to github

stickers, 👕s, swag, 🍺mugs

meet ups (🍖⬆s)

remove the non-active floks from reviewers list (not kicking them out)

photos of reviewers

Highlighting performance results

Better EWS coverage (faster, more platforms, performance tests, reduce the amount of red on the tree)

Ability to announce build status - that you're working on fixing it. "Relax, I got this."

Annotations for the dashboard

Make the tests run faster. Gather some information about why they are taking so long.

Share the bot/tree watching workload with people outside Apple.

Last modified 11 years ago Last modified on Apr 15, 2014, 5:58:18 PM
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