QtWebKit-2.2 Release ¶
QtWebKit-2.2 is a standard release targeted at all Qt supported platforms. It was branched from trunk on 2011-05-05 (r85855) and is included in the Qt-4.8 branch (it'll be part of Qt-4.8.0).
For a (partial) high level list of features supported by QtWebkit-2.2 and the changes from the previous release, check the Internal Release Notes.
Status and Roadmap ¶
For releases on a Monday or Tuesday, week numbers are from the previous week.
- Maintenance: a qtwebkit-2.2-devel branch is available and receiving critical or security fixes. Once some QA is perfomed on this branch, it should be merged into qtwebkit-2.2 and a new patch-level release should be made;
- At the time of this writting (2011-10-04), the qtwebkit-2.2-devel branch is updated with security fixes up to r96260 from trunk, but missing backports of the following bugs due to conflicts: #68279 and #65352.
- 2.2.0 release: 2011-09-29 (week 39) DONE: QtWebKit-2.2.0.tar.gz (sha1) announcement
- RC1: 2011-09-13 (week36) DONE: announcement tag on gitorious
- Beta1: 2011-06-27 (week 25) DONE: announcement tag on gitorious
- Weekly builds (tags on gitorious):
- qtwebkit-2.2-week35 notes
- qtwebkit-2.2-week34 notes
- qtwebkit-2.2-week33 notes
- qtwebkit-2.2-week32 notes
- qtwebkit-2.2-week31 notes
- qtwebkit-2.2-week30 notes
- qtwebkit-2.2-week29 notes
- qtwebkit-2.2-week28 notes
- qtwebkit-2.2-week27 notes
- qtwebkit-2.2-week26 notes
- qtwebkit-2.2-week25 (beta1) notes beta announcement
- qtwebkit-2.2-week24 notes
- qtwebkit-2.2-week23 notes
- qtwebkit-2.2-week22 notes
- qtwebkit-2.2-week21 notes
- qtwebkit-2.2-week20 notes
- qtwebkit-2.2-week19 notes
- First TP: 2011-05-09 (week 18) DONE: tag on gitorious
- Branch from trunk: 2011-05-04 (week 17) DONE: r85855, branch on gitorious
Source Code and Build Instructions ¶
- QtWebKit-2.2.0.tar.gz (sha1)
- The code is hosted in the qtwebkit-2.2 branch in our WebKit git mirror @ Gitorious. It works better if you have an account there and clone the repository via ssh;
- Please note you'll clone the whole repository. The master branch is the WebKit trunk mirror. QtWebKit-2.2 is developed in the qtwebkit-2.2 branch;
- Follow the standard QtWebKit build instructions for your platform;
- QtWebKit-2.2 is also available inside the Qt-4.8 repository, but it's not always up-to-date there. The branch is the preferred method;
- A simple way to test it is to build Qt-4.8 without QtWebKit support (
configure -no-webkit
) and then build QtWebKit in standalone mode from the branch (Tools/Scripts/build-webkit --qt
QA, Trackers and Build bots ¶
- Tracker bug for maintenance candidate fixes: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=68616
- All bots in one page
- Linux desktop with Qt-4.7
- Linux desktop with Qt-4.8
- OSX Snow Leopard (10.6) with Qt-4.7
- Windows 32bits with Qt-4.7
- Symbian ARMv5 with Qt-4.7
Known Issues ¶
These are known problems that affect the last release of QtWebKit-2.2. They are candidates for fixing in a future patch-level release (such as QtWebKit-2.2.1)
- The Script Panel of the Remote Web Inspetor doesn't work Bug #68544
- Out-of-tree build using make-package.py doesn't work Bug #64734
- Build/link problems in some scenarios under MS Windows Fix in Qt-4.8 and Fix in Qt-4.8
See also ¶
- Internal Release Notes -- Changes from previous version
- QtWebKit-2.1 release page
- Clarification of QtWebKit-2.2-beta1 and Qt-4.8-Beta versions
- QtWebKit Release Procedures and Policies
Full list of changes since the branch was open ¶
QtWebKit-2.2.0 ¶
Bugs fixed / Tasks done ¶
- #28851: Emit last progress notification before calling dispatchDidFinishLoad
- #29407: Webkit on SPARC Solaris has wrong endian
- #30355: [Qt] Windowless Plugins : <input> cursor blinks even after transferring focus to plugin
- #32509: Composition input method lacks character echo in password input fields
- #32882: (restricted bug)
- #33179: [Qt] Enterkey to go to Newline does not work in the text area(in HTML form)
- #34635: [Qt] When QWebView has a different style set on it then the scrollbars are not rendered correctly
- #37319: [Qt] tst_QWebFrame::overloadedSlots() fails
- #40841: [Qt] Node that have both an opacity and a transform animation on them seem not to fire
- #42079: SVG Large curve path segment OOM crash
- #42756: JIT requires VM overcommit (particularly on x86-64), Linux does not by default support this without swap?
- #43673: The preload attribute of the video tag is not completely implemented
- #45467: REGRESSION(r66731): pointer-events are broken in some cases
- #45523: [Qt] Inconsistent behavior on a form submit request...
- #45561: NULL deref when SVG elements have table styles
- #47481: fast/viewport/viewport-45.html fails in GTK+/Qt
- #49448: (restricted bug)
- #49539: window.requestFileSystem(16) NULL ptr
- #49650: REGRESSION: [Qt] QNetworkReply delivered by the unsupportedContent() signal does not contain downloaded data
- #52791: (restricted bug)
- #54051: plugins/invalidate_rect.html fails on linux ports
- #54929: REGRESSION: Text selection broken for text with line-height applied
- #55901: [Qt] Fix the error code for media resource failures when using QtMobility
- #55930: (restricted bug)
- #56299: (restricted bug)
- #56393: Crash on www.crave.cnet.com in FrameView::windowClipRect()
- #56752: [Qt] The minimum size of the select menu list is incorrect for qtwebkit
- #57140: Crash from null pointer dereference below WebCore::StorageAreaImpl::setItem()
- #57418: [Qt] [Symbian] GraphicsLayer: support plugins on symbian
- #57554: [Qt] QML Webview causes performance drops
- #57621: [Qt] Install targets are not working correctly for modularized Qt and QtWebkit
- #57897: Crash in WebCore::RenderMathMLSubSup::baselinePosition()
- #57900: Crash in WebCore::RenderMathMLUnderOver::layout()
- #57929: (restricted bug)
- #58216: Remove safeFloatToInt() in FloatRect.cpp and replace with working version of clampToInteger()
- #58435: [Qt] Upstream Symbian platform plugin.
- #58548: [Gtk+] deadlock in gstreamer video player when exiting fullscreen
- #58556: [Qt] GraphicsContext3D::getImageData() does not retrieve image data correctly
- #58847: [Qt] REGRESSION(r84099): It made two Qt API tests fail
- #59114: Move makeSecure from WTF::String to renderText
- #59345: [Qt]Fix tst_QWebFrame::setUrlToInvalid() autotest after r84762
- #59394: XMLDocumentParserLibxml2 should play nice with strict OwnPtrs
- #59466: Incorrect OwnPtr usage in MediaPlayer
- #59473: (restricted bug)
- #59481: [Qt][Symbian] API test failure qdeclarativewebview
- #59699: Global object is recreated on teardown, for no good reason
- #59927: [SH4] AssemblerLabel does not name a type
- #59941: REGRESSION(79985): Changes in fill-opacity should trigger repaint but don't
- #59983: Update node list cache count on the containing TreeScope rather than the Document
- #60028: Null dereference in WebCore::RenderBlock::splitFlow regarding use of multicol, inline-block, and spanning elements
- #60090: REGRESSION(r73886): Frequent crashes in replaceSelectionWithFragment
- #60097: (restricted bug)
- #60101: ASSERT(m_state == ParsingState) fires @ www.canalplus.fr
- #60142: Exiting full screen causes <video> element inline controls to become visible
- #60155: REGRESSION (r65868): createContextualFragment does not work with <style>
- #60176: [Qt]http/tests/xmlhttprequest/xmlhttprequest-missing-file-exception.html fails with Qt 4.8
- #60194: REGRESSION (r79167): Windowed plugins in Google Reader don't move when the article list is scrolled
- #60257: build-webkit --minimal build is broken because of r84789
- #60278: Removing the full screen element via parent.innerHTML="" does not result in a webkitfullscreenchange event.
- #60284: Build fix with gcc 4.6 and c++0x support.
- #60291: Block callbacks delivered during destruction
- #60304: REGRESSION (r77954): HTTP Live Streams have incorrect controller UI
- #60307: (restricted bug)
- #60313: Add build logistics and plumbing for window.internals object.
- #60347: [Qt] [qtwebkit-2.2] Fails to build with Qt for Embedded Linux
- #60370: Fix two warnings of unused variables.
- #60371: Warning fix on PluginPackage.cpp.
- #60372: [Qt] tst_QWebElement::style() fails because QWebElement::InlineStyle doesn't work as expected
- #60377: [Qt] fast/canvas/webgl/gl-uniform-arrays.html failing for Qt on Linux
- #60380: Fix compile with GCC 4.6.0
- #60390: REGRESSION (r81992): Portions of ticketmaster site render blank
- #60398: REGRESSION(r81684): cox.com webmail sign in button is missing.
- #60399: [Qt] one skipped 2d-transforms layout test passes on Qt Linux - skip list to be updated
- #60429: Crash when sending a wheel event to a node with no shadow ancestor node
- #60432: REGRESSION (r78846): Insufficient expansion for justification when there are multiple inline boxes
- #60440: [Qt] Redirection of HTTP POST (3xx) incorrectly includes original POST data
- #60449: Full-screen video disappears behind black screen with scrollbar, followed by crash at jerryseinfeld.com
- #60458: [Qt] fix fast/dom/Geolocation/window-close-crash.html
- #60477: [Qt] Tab not working in editing/inserting/typing-tab-designmode-forms.html
- #60487: [Qt] DRT eventSender.addTouchPoint method is not setting the start position
- #60492: [Qt] Simple small-caps text is displayed in uniform size.
- #60496: (restricted bug)
- #60497: [Qt] tst_QWebPage creates temporary files in the current working dir
- #60509: (restricted bug)
- #60512: REGRESSION (r84706): Crazy rendering of vimeo.com after exiting fullscreen video
- #60513: [Qt] QtRawFont support should check based on feature, not version
- #60534: Crashes if the document inside iframe is removed during pasting some text into it.
- #60537: containsFloats check missing from hasOverhangingFloats, causes null crash
- #60544: [Qt] Add new qt-4.8 platform for layout testing
- #60551: [Qt] Disable HAVE_QRAWFONT until Qt API stabilizes.
- #60554: Convert editing/inserting/typing-tab-designmode-forms.html to dumpAsText
- #60556: Files that load quickly sometimes won't play
- #60559: Frequent crashes beneath WebCore::ScriptElement::prepareScript
- #60561: [Qt] Implements a disable appearance for Media Elements of Qt port.
- #60635: Video track sometimes fails to draw
- #60667: [Qt] WebKit does not build with GCCE
- #60681: Enable OwnPtr strict mode in PluginHalter
- #60688: [Qt] Arm debug build failing on ARMAssembler::debugOffset()
- #60689: REGRESSION (r81992): layout triggered by position update fails to apply when transform is updated at same time
- #60692: [SVG] Assertion failure by dragging text between input fields inside <foreignObject>s
- #60760: MediaElements fails to load the data in some cases.
- #60778: (restricted bug)
- #60780: (restricted bug)
- #60791: Use AVAssetReferenceRestrictions to prevent cross site media references
- #60799: Hide appcache status bar items
- #60824: [Qt] Turn on CONFIG(production) for production branches
- #60826: Video is blank, controller is misplaced on trailers.apple.com movie in fullscreen (with two screens)
- #60831: (restricted bug)
- #60837: (restricted bug)
- #60846: ASSERT(isMainThread()) when using single threaded jsc executable
- #60860: Simplify backtracking in YARR JIT
- #60883: [Qt] Tools.pro misses include(common.pri)
- #60892: REGRESSION(r83820): [Qt] Accelerated compositing no longer works in QGraphicsWebView
- #60893: [Qt] tst_QWebFrame::render() failing
- #60914: REGRESSION(r84311): WebKit copies too much styles when copying
- #60920: editing/deleting/5091898.html should be renamed and converted to a dump-as-markup test
- #60923: editing/pasteboard/5075944-2.html and 5075944-3.html should be renamed and converted to dump-as-markup tests
- #60935: Remove bogus ASSERT in Document::setCompatibilityMode
- #60978: [Qt] Simplify syntax in test code to make prepare-ChangeLog less confused
- #60980: (restricted bug)
- #60984: [Qt] Fix tst_QWebFrame::getSetStaticProperty() autotest
- #60986: REGRESSION (r80808): Multiple <select> - Selection reset to first element from multiple selected ones
- #60988: Wrap copied contents by one style span instead of two
- #60996: editing/pasteboard/paste-text-012.html should be a dump-as-markup test
- #60998: editing/pasteboard/paste-blockquote-2.html and paste-blockquote-3.html should be dump-as-markup tests
- #61005: (restricted bug)
- #61012: REGRESSION (r83322): Many crashes in Mail.app in WebCore::Node::nodeIndex
- #61042: [Qt] Fix tst_QDeclarativeWebView::basicProperties() and historyNav() autotests
- #61044: [Qt] Fix tst_QGraphicsWebView::setPalette(inactiveBG) autotest
- #61045: [Qt] Fix tst_QWebPage::testOptionalJSObjects() autotest
- #61053: Using null bytes when setting innerHTML in XTHML results in assertion and a crash due to null-pointer dereference
- #61074: Teach Qt about window.internals
- #61083: Regression(r85355): Crash with two table captions when child visible and enclosing layer invisible
- #61090: JSGlobalObject and some others do GC allocation during initialization, which can cause heap corruption
- #61102: editing/pasteboard/paste-blockquote-into-blockquote-3.html should be a dump-as-markup test
- #61109: Poster is not shown in Safari for video element with no playable source elements.
- #61128: Fix GraphicsContext3DQt.cpp compile error
- #61130: MessagePortArray cloning code needs to verify source before copying
- #61132: fix render overflow computation for input type=range
- #61135: (restricted bug)
- #61159: Crashes in RenderLayerBacking::paintingGoesToWindow
- #61196: (restricted bug)
- #61200: [Qt] The Qt WebKit Symbian .def file needs to be updated so Symbian will build
- #61202: [Qt] fast/canvas/webgl/gl-object-get-calls.html crash for Qt based webkit
- #61203: Horrendous bug in callOnMainThreadAndWait
- #61207: [Qt] Export files under Symbian Qt WebKit build
- #61229: REGRESSION (r70748): WebKit cannot play QuickTime movies on Mac OS X Wiki Server pages
- #61235: JavaScriptCore doesn't build on MinGW-w64
- #61241: REGRESSION (r82144): Icon overlaps text in Twitter message dialog
- #61245: When removing a shadow root from DOM, also remove it from the render tree
- #61279: [Qt] Enable usage of QuickTime mediaplayer for the Qt port on Mac.
- #61288: [Qt] When opening a combo-box the popup renders badly.
- #61293: (restricted bug)
- #61314: [Qt] QtWebKit crashes when dragging not loaded images
- #61328: [Qt] QtWebkit never finishes loading sites when they are loaded after an initial QUrl fails to load.
- #61329: REGRESSION(r87007): patch unnecessarily breaks HTML5 compatibility (Requested by estes on #webkit).
- #61336: REGRESSION: Media elements fail to fire ended event after changing src
- #61391: (restricted bug)
- #61400: REGRESSION(84329): Stylesheets on some pages do not load
- #61403: Video fails to play on Vimeo
- #61425: [Qt] Implement find feature for QtTestBrowser
- #61461: REGRESSION: Fullscreen button on embedded Vimeo videos does nothing
- #61480: drag-not-loaded-image.html test crashes when WebKit is built with debug option
- #61491: Frame flattening is broken with nested frames
- #61502: Always antialias table borders when scaling
- #61504: [Qt] Multiple drop events when doing DnD of images.
- #61511: WebCore::HTMLSummaryElement::isMainSummary ReadAV@NULL
- #61527: [Qt] QtTestBrowser "Switch User Agent" dialog is broken
- #61531: [Qt] User-agent list of Qt test browsers is very outdated
- #61557: REGRESSION (r84166): recalcStyle for display:inline to display:none transition has complexity N
2 where N is the number of child Text nodes - #61564: REGRESSION(r87368): Wrong approach, will do the wrong thing if the element needs simplified normal flow layout but is not positioned (Requested by jamesr on #webkit).
- #61594: REGRESSION: Hitting enter in the middle of this span causes the cursor to go to the end of the span
- #61688: (restricted bug)
- #61689: Mouse clicks propagate outside full-screen media controls.
- #61692: REGRESSION (r85375): Load event is sometimes lost when multiple image elements use the same URL
- #61711: [Qt] Fix unnecessary wait in API autotest tst_QWebFrame::scrollbarsOff
- #61713: REGRESSION (r87622): In media documents, clicking the full screen button and the play button pauses the video
- #61715: Controls never hide in full screen after user stops moving mouse
- #61717: REGRESSION (r87622): Scrubbing a Vimeo movie when in fullscreen stops playback; no way to make it start again
- #61719: FELightingNEON.h not compilable on arm
- #61728: [Qt] Implement fullscreen support on Mac with the QuickTime backend.
- #61737: (restricted bug)
- #61739: [Qt] Rewrite tst_QDeclarativeWebView::multipleWindows() to not depend on Grid internals
- #61750: Audio and video files saved to the Application Cache should preserve the original file extension
- #61758: Freezing a function and its prototype causes browser to crash.
- #61765: (restricted bug)
- #61774: ASSERT in WebCore::HTMLToken::appendToAttributeName when visiting www.nba.com
- #61805: (restricted bug)
- #61809: (restricted bug)
- #61819: nrwt: make webaudio work w/o content-length header
- #61831: Frame flattening shouldn't be applied to iframes that have a zero size
- #61843: Remove dependency on QTKit from wekitExitFullscreen()
- #61865: [Qt] Implement download feature for QtTestBrowser
- #61869: [Qt] Fix the Phonon build when logging is disabled
- #61890: make-hash-tools.pl: Perl 5.14 compatibility
- #61899: REGRESSION: inline style is lost when deleting line break between paragraphs with same style
- #61957: [Qt] Build fix of QtWebKit 2.2 when inside Qt tree with GCC 4.6.
- #61959: [Qt] Fix enum order in qwebpage.h public API header
- #62085: (restricted bug)
- #62160: (restricted bug)
- #62205: [Qt] Fix Symbian build with RVCT 2.x
- #62219: [Symbian] Float{32,64}Array and Int16Array fail to build.
- #62225: (restricted bug)
- #62230: (restricted bug)
- #62238: (restricted bug)
- #62274: [Qt] FrameLoaderClient: Check Vector::find() return value for WTF::notFound.
- #62276: (restricted bug)
- #62280: [Qt] Build fix for building QtWebKit inside of Qt.
- #62378: [Qt] Fix the in-tree build on Linux
- #62384: WebCore::WebKitCSSKeyframesRuleInternal::nameAttrSetter() - crash
- #62419: Calling WebKitBlobBuilder.append with null argument should not crash
- #62422: TiledBackingStore endlessly creates and destroys tiles due to an off-by-one error.
- #62439: (restricted bug)
- #62449: [Qt] Fix 'headers' autotest when building inside Qt.
- #62462: REGRESSION: Fullscreen video controller can't be dragged
- #62544: REGRESSION (r81518): Crash in makeRange() when invoking the dictionary panel over a file input
- #62586: (restricted bug)
- #62632: [Qt] Don't include convenience "QWebFoo" headers in WebKit code.
- #62733: Full-screen live streams have status text in wrong location
- #62764: Frequent crashes due to null frame below ApplicationCacheHost::scheduleLoadFallbackResourceFromApplicationCache
- #62790: REGRESSION(r88796): It made fast/dom/nodesFromRect-basic.html time out on Qt, 64-bit, debug mode (Requested by Ossy on #webkit).
- #62812: (restricted bug)
- #62815: [Qt] Fix wrong framework generation on MacOS when inside Qt 4.8.
- #62847: [Qt] fast/parser/xhtml-innerhtml-null-byte.xhtm fails
- #62875: (restricted bug)
- #62956: (restricted bug)
- #62993: Unaligned userspace access for SH4 platforms
- #63003: REGRESSION (r79060): Searching for a flight at united.com fails
- #63004: [Qt] Regression(60942) wrong default action for drag-and-drop.
- #63076: (restricted bug)
- #63147: [Qt] Fix Qt namespace on QDeclarativeWebView autotest
- #63235: [Qt] Fix tst_QWebFrame::setHtmlWithResource() API test
- #63236: [Qt] Fix tst_QWebFrame::renderGeometry() API test
- #63244: [Qt] Fix tst_QWebPage::showModalDialog() API test
- #63259: Warnings in JSC's JIT on 32 bit
- #63264: (restricted bug)
- #63334: (restricted bug)
- #63355: (restricted bug)
- #63373: REGRESSION (r77740): Shadow DOM pseudo elements aren't matching when combined with descendant selectors
- #63448: [Qt] Remove Phonon MediaPlayer from the tree.
- #63472: [Qt] Change default backend to use GStreamer on Linux and QuickTime on Mac.
- #63490: [Qt] Add more tests to cover the behavior of loadFinished() signal
- #63533: [Qt] Use QtQuick imports in Api tests rather than old deprecated Qt 4.x imports.
- #63562: [Qt] Use <QtX/x.h> style of headers for Qt tests which rely on it.
- #63582: [Qt] REGRESSION(r87797): Broke KDEWebKit's custom QNAM.
- #63628: generate-webkitversion.pl should not "use Switch"
- #63639: [Qt] Add Qt dependencies in QtWebKit's main pro file.
- #63650: (restricted bug)
- #63717: Broken build on QNX
- #63739: (restricted bug)
- #63776: (restricted bug)
- #64286: (restricted bug)
- #64363: (restricted bug)
- #64391: [Qt] Make QtWebkit2.2 compile and run on S60 Emulator
- #64457: (restricted bug)
- #64482: (restricted bug)
- #64527: [Qt]Update layout test results for newer Qt 4.8.x
- #64603: (restricted bug)
- #64651: (restricted bug)
- #64736: (restricted bug)
- #64737: (restricted bug)
- #64740: (restricted bug)
- #64741: (restricted bug)
- #64753: (restricted bug)
- #64801: (restricted bug)
- #64827: [Qt] Improve documentation of QWebView::setPage()
- #65038: (restricted bug)
- #65088: Intel Compiler on windows fails to build
- #65137: (restricted bug)
- #65235: (restricted bug)
- #65296: (restricted bug)
- #65346: (restricted bug)
- #65369: [Qt][ARM]REGRESSION(r91752): It made audio related tests fail
- #65470: [Qt] libwebcore.a source is compiled without -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden
- #65590: (restricted bug)
- #65938: (restricted bug)
- #66015: (restricted bug)
- #66016: [Qt] Add test for correct order of load signals in QWebPage
- #66052: Add support of setPasswordEchoEnabled and setPasswordEchoDuration for password echo feature
- #66086: (restricted bug)
- #66125: (restricted bug)
- #66141: (restricted bug)
- #66187: (restricted bug)
- #66242: (restricted bug)
- #66307: Support reset in WebCore::Internals
- #66335: (restricted bug)
- #66360: (restricted bug)
- #66429: (restricted bug)
- #66678: (restricted bug)
- #66699: (restricted bug)
- #66770: [Qt] Build fails on Lion
- #66799: (restricted bug)
- #66954: [Qt] Enable password echo on Symbian builds
- #67055: [Qt] Do not unconditionally use pkg-config in .pro files
- #67254: [Qt][DRT] Normalize file:///tmp/LayoutTests in LayoutTestController::pathToLocalResource()
- #67285: [Qt] Unskip API test for load signals order
- #67307: [Qt][Symbian] REGRESSION(93235) Missing .def update
- #67364: (restricted bug)
- #67488: (restricted bug)
- #67556: (restricted bug)
- #67644: [Qt][Symbian] REGRESSION[94105] DumpRenderTree.exe doesn't build on Symbian
- #67735: (restricted bug)
- #67748: (restricted bug)
- #67784: frame-loading-via-document-write.html test cases have extra slash in path
- #67958: (restricted bug)
Commits added or cherry-picked ¶
- c88e89d: ASSERT(m_state == ParsingState) fires @ www.canalplus.fr
- edaf7dc: Build fix with gcc 4.6 and c++0x support.
- b105226: [Qt] Fix the build on Embedded Linux.
- 9346ba4: [Qt] Simple small-caps text is displayed in uniform size.
- 11bc0cd: 2011-05-06 Andreas Kling <andreas.kling@nokia.com>
- ca0106b: [Qt] Use qt-arm platform instead of qt-linux on ARM platform.
- 0f9a659: [Qt] Add new qt-4.8 platform for layout testing
- 3ad8d01: [Qt]http/tests/security/xss-DENIED-xsl-document.xml fails with Qt 4.8
- bb92ead: Unreviewed typo fix after r86148.
- f665181: One more unreviewed typo fix after r86148. :(
- 94a2465: Unreviewed Qt 4.8 fix.
- 30757bc: [Qt] QtRawFont support should check based on feature, not version
- c67afd3: Rubber-stamped by Csaba Osztrogonác.
- e61374c: Move plugins/plugin-javascript-access-expected.txt from qt-linux platform
- 2b35639: [Qt][Mac] Add platform specific expected result for plugins/plugin-javascript-access.html,
- 7a425b7: 2011-05-09 Darin Adler <Darin Adler>
- 2317327: Warning fix on PluginPackage.cpp.
- f38046d: REGRESSION(r73886): Frequent crashes in replaceSelectionWithFragment
- 9b3c5d2: Full-screen video disappears behind black screen with scrollbar, followed by crash at jerryseinfeld.com
- 349bbeb: REGRESSION (r84706): Crazy rendering of vimeo.com after exiting fullscreen video
- b8f0053: Install correct header files for webkit.
- 9226105: [Qt] GraphicsContext3D::getImageData() does not retrieve image data correctly
- 093ccfe: Fix build-webkit --minimal.
- 0182f02: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60390 (<rdar://problem/9364449>)
- 35361c3: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60398 (<rdar://problem/9307696>)
- 404cb83: [Qt] one skipped 2d-transforms layout test passes on Qt Linux - skip list to be updated
- f3c6a02: REGRESSION (r77954): HTTP Live Streams have incorrect controller UI
- 44acce9: [Qt] fix fast/dom/Geolocation/window-close-crash.html
- 71d908c: [MIPS] Fix compilation of the MIPS JIT
- 9c272bf: http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/85650
- bc99520: <rdar://problem/9331651> REGRESSION: RPRVT grows by 1MB / sec @ dvd2blu.com
- 777307f: Fix reparenting and destruction of counter nodes.
- 92d1b15: REGRESSION (r65868): createContextualFragment does not work with <style>
- 674fb8f: REGRESSION(79985): Changes in fill-opacity should trigger repaint but don't
- d2b42e8: REGRESSION(79985): Changes in fill-opacity should trigger repaint but don't
- b718e0e: [Qt] Arm debug build failing on ARMAssembler::debugOffset()
- 56692f3: [Qt] Fix build on MSVC by only enabling tst_MIMESniffing on linux.
- c3f6cb7: [Qt] Fix build on MSVC.
- 5a10613: [Qt] Tools.pro misses include(common.pri)
- 5a8743a: Turn on CONFIG(production) on qtwebkit-2.2
- d1af018: Add a few more XSLT and Web Timing tests to the Skip list
- 213d0e5: Another round of rebasing and skipping of tests after CONFIG(production)
- 59b6cd0: Yet another test expectation change after CONFIG(production)
- 614ea61: [Qt] Tab not working in editing/inserting/typing-tab-designmode-forms.html
- 816a9ab: REGRESSION(r83820): [Qt] Accelerated compositing no longer works in QGraphicsWebView.
- ba1970d: [Qt] Implements a disable appearance for Media Elements of Qt port.
- 1064adb: [Qt] DRT eventSender.addTouchPoint method is not setting the start position
- abec9ee: Convert editing/inserting/typing-tab-designmode-forms.html to dumpAsText
- 8620c0c: Fix compile with GCC 4.6.0
- 457a0f0: Tell ScrollView's child Widgets that their frame rects have changed when its own frame rect changes
- b3f49dc: Regression(r75823): Revert initialization back to the first RenderBlock
- fcd06b7: Hide appcache status bar items
- 3ffd91d: 2011-05-13 Mikhail Naganov <mnaganov@chromium.org>
- f8e5f01: Partial fix for <rdar://problem/9417875> REGRESSION: SunSpider ~17% slower
- 97cb464: 2011-05-15 Geoffrey Garen <ggaren@apple.com>
- 0c115e1: Remove bogus ASSERT in Document::setCompatibilityMode
- 4495597: [Qt] Node that have both an opacity and a transform animation on them seem not to fire.
- bcf16f1: [Qt] GraphicsLayerQtImpl: Remove an unused variable.
- 6eee7bc: [Qt] Redirection of HTTP POST (3xx) incorrectly includes original POST data
- 2907a02: Tests that we do not crash when prematurely calling removeChild,
- b2ce0d3: [Qt] Simplify syntax in test code to make prepare-ChangeLog less confused
- cace979: [Qt] Fix tst_QWebFrame::getSetStaticProperty() autotest
- 203ddbc: JSGlobalObject and some others do GC allocation during initialization, which can cause heap corruption
- fb119b5: [Qt] Enterkey to go to Newline does not work in the text area(in HTML form)
- f46a068: REGRESSION (r80808): Multiple <select> - Selection reset to first element from multiple selected ones
- 66e7630: REGRESSION (r83322): Many crashes in Mail.app in WebCore::Node::nodeIndex
- 863c88a: Fix GraphicsContext3DQt.cpp compile error
- fd084a4: WebKit does not build with GCCE
- e309ebe: MediaElements fails to load the data in some cases.
- 9906bdc: Fix two warnings of unused variables.
- 63adcb6: MessagePortArray cloning code needs to verify source before copying
- 6b501ad: SVG Large curve path segment OOM crash
- ac3c389: JIT requires VM overcommit (particularly on x86-64), Linux does not by default support this without swap?
- 1aba524: <rdar://problem/9472883> and https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=61203
- c6d8071: REGRESSION (r70748): WebKit cannot play videos created by Podcast Producer.
- c4e7010: <rdar://problem/9479926> REGRESSION (r82144): Icon overlaps text in Twitter message dialog
- 91c0616: REGRESSION(r66731): pointer-events are broken in some cases
- c39655e: [Qt] Upstream Symbian platform plugin
- 8385385: [Qt] The Qt WebKit Symbian .def file needs to be updated so Symbian will build
- 27c2c6c: [Qt] When opening a combo-box the popup renders badly.
- e1ed18d: Tests that we do not crash when parsing css color for integer or
- b3dc19e: editing/deleting/5091898.html should be renamed and converted to a dump-as-markup test
- d75ec39: editing/pasteboard/5075944-2.html and 5075944-3.html should be renamed and converted to dump-as-markup tests
- e6f8b24: editing/pasteboard/paste-text-012.html should be a dump-as-markup test
- ee2d2c5: editing/pasteboard/paste-blockquote-2.html and paste-blockquote-3.html should be dump-as-markup tests
- 326f93c: editing/pasteboard/paste-blockquote-into-blockquote-3.html should be a dump-as-markup test
- cff1777: Wrap copied contents by one style span instead of two
- ca2dab5: REGRESSION(r84311): WebKit copies too much styles when copying
- 6d4125a: Test for: Crash from null pointer dereference below WebCore::StorageAreaImpl::setItem()
- 92d64ea: http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/87007
- 2f7126a: Convert raw pointer to RefPtr.
- e38ff03: Tests that we do not crash when trying to access a removed
- 6b1ee9e: Tests that we do not crash when trying to parse an invalid font family
- 49b8a1e: fix render overflow computation for input type=range
- f8d4988: REGRESSION (r70748): WebKit cannot play QuickTime movies on Mac OS X Wiki Server pages
- 46706ea: [SVG] Assertion failure by dragging text between input fields inside <foreignObject>s
- 5087eaa: [Qt] When QWebView has a different style set on it then the scrollbars are not rendered correctly
- 7d0d05a: REGRESSION (r81992): layout triggered by position update fails to apply when transform is updated at same time
- ef13621: ASSERT(isMainThread()) when using single threaded jsc executable
- 8cfca23: [Qt] QtWebKit crashes when dragging not loaded images
- 09d9bcb: drag-not-loaded-image.html test crashes when WebKit is built with debug option
- 40d8b0f: editing/deleting/5091898.html should be renamed and converted to a dump-as-markup test
- d18ba15: editing/pasteboard/5075944-2.html and 5075944-3.html should be renamed and converted to dump-as-markup tests
- 4539766: Always antialias borders, outlines and rules when scaling
- 6b2f436: Crash when sending a wheel event to a node with no shadow ancestor node
- 7e1bab1: <rdar://problem/9401853> REGRESSION (r78846): Insufficient expansion for justification when there are multiple inline boxes
- 3374ed3: Frequent crashes beneath WebCore::ScriptElement::prepareScript
- 25483fc: Crashes if the document inside iframe is removed during pasting some text into it.
- 409b9ad: Clear the image from ImageLoader rather than clearing the ImageLoader in HTMLObjectElement::renderFallbackContent.
- 51381f8: NULL deref when SVG elements have table styles
- 60e2176: Tests that we do not crash when auto-focus triggers a attach.
- d462b6b: http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/87368
- 2b01ffb: Updated some platform-specific expected results after r86028.
- 712f663: Updated a platform-specific expected result again after r86028.
- db6e56c: Skip fast/block/positioning/start-ignoring-before.html on mac
- bb2ecb8: [Qt] QtTestBrowser "Switch User Agent" dialog is broken
- 122c9e6: [Qt] fast/canvas/webgl/gl-uniform-arrays.html failing for Qt on Linux
- 9682ccf: [Qt] fast/canvas/webgl/gl-uniform-arrays.html failing for Qt on Linux
- f201b09: REGRESSION (r81992): layout triggered by position update fails to apply when transform is updated at same time
- 27ca4d8: WebCore::HTMLSummaryElement::isMainSummary crashes
- 329d0c6: [Qt] Fix tst_QGraphicsWebView::setPalette(inactiveBG) autotest
- d14495f: GraphicsContext3DInternal object should be called for getAttachedShaders.
- db21b6f: REGRESSION (r85375): Load event is sometimes lost when multiple image elements use the same URL
- 855622e: Suggested by Simon Fraser.
- 50cb4be: Enable OwnPtr strict mode in PluginHalter
- 1c63892: Attempt to fix the build after changeset 86391<http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/86391>
- af58e95: [Qt] Implement find feature for QtTestBrowser
- 79b6bea: Fix compilation with debug enabled, m_lightSource.type is not valid anymore
- b0a445e: XMLDocumentParserLibxml2 should play nice with strict OwnPtrs
- e9f62ed: Enable OwnPtr strict mode in MediaPlayer
- 65360d3: Build fix after r86418
- cbc9e96: [Qt] Implement find feature for QtTestBrowser
- de5d05b: Frame flattening is broken with nested frames
- 9b4474a: Convert raw ptr to RefPtr for documentElement.
- 2b120eb: [Qt] User-agent list of Qt test browsers is very outdated
- f1148b9: Add test to make sure an error in requestFileSystem or resolveLocalFileSystemURI
- 787bda5: [Qt] tst_QWebPage creates temporary files in the current working dir
- 8234285: [Qt]Fix tst_QWebFrame::setUrlToInvalid() autotest after r84762
- e34811a: [Qt] Fix tst_QWebPage::testOptionalJSObjects() autotest
- fbde563: [Qt] Fix tst_QDeclarativeWebView::basicProperties() and historyNav() autotests
- b6ea329: [Qt] tst_QWebElement::style() fails because QWebElement::InlineStyle doesn't work as expected
- e999247: [Qt] Fix unnecessary wait in API autotest tst_QWebFrame::scrollbarsOff
- f3934e4: [Qt] tst_QWebFrame::render() failing
- 52da9d6: [Qt] Rewrite tst_QDeclarativeWebView::multipleWindows() to not depend on Grid internals
- 0c7056f: [Qt]Fix tst_QWebFrame::setUrlToInvalid() autotest after r84762
- 638ed3d: Freezing a function and its prototype causes browser to crash.
- efbf910: To support building namespaced Qt, we require that forward-declarations
- 791c2c8: REGRESSION: [Qt] QNetworkReply delivered by the unsupportedContent() signal does not contain downloaded data
- 11f8b63: [Qt] Multiple drop events when doing DnD of images.
- 695e84c: Don't flatten frames that have a zero size.
- 7e71192: Rubber-stamped by Simon Hausmann.
- cf23541: [Qt] Build fix of QtWebKit 2.2 when inside Qt tree with GCC 4.6.
- 5902ab9: [Qt] Build fix of QtWebKit 2.2 when inside Qt tree with GCC 4.6.
- 970ff13: [Qt] Fix enum order in qwebpage.h public API header
- 3104ebf: REGRESSION: Text selection broken for text with line-height applied
- dbda3e9: REGRESSION: inline style is lost when deleting line break between paragraphs with same style
- 2e981d3: [Qt]The minimum size of the select menu list is incorrect for qtwebkit
- df47be2: The preload attribute of the video tag is not completely implemented
- 6fe6792: Command-~/Exposé to another window while <video> is in full screen, breaks Safari, eventually leading to crash
- 3f5fab4: Video track sometimes fails to draw.
- cad942a: [Gtk+] deadlock in gstreamer video player when exiting fullscreen
- 2cacab2: Removing the full screen element via parent.innerHTML="" does not result in a webkitfullscreenchange event.
- c02b89c: Exiting full screen causes <video> element inline controls to become visible
- 178109a: Poster is not shown in Safari for video element with no playable source elements.
- 9f2e6b1: Video is blank, controller is misplaced on trailers.apple.com movie in fullscreen (with two screens)
- ad6674b: Unreviewed; build fix for non-SnowLeopard builds.
- 1b5dd98: [Qt] Enable usage of QuickTime mediaplayer for the Qt port on Mac.
- 10c0887: REGRESSION: Fullscreen button on embedded Vimeo videos does nothing
- 2c79e55: Fix media element regression where ended event stopped firing after changing the src attribute.
- db27609: Block callbacks delivered during destruction
- f0a236c: Files that load quickly sometimes won't play.
- a4f1520: Use new AVAssetReferenceRestrictions to prevent cross site media references
- b7169cc: Video fails to play on Vimeo
- 15ad108: r87328 added a new system interface, we need to add it too.
- 926adc6: Mouse clicks propagate outside full-screen media controls.
- 5b51c40: REGRESSION (r87622): In media documents, clicking the full screen button and the play button pauses the video
- ec7a9b6: Controls never hide in full screen after user stops moving mouse
- 65741cd: REGRESSION (r87622): Scrubbing a Vimeo movie when in fullscreen stops playback; no way to make it start again
- 3ab8247: Audio and video files saved to the Application Cache should preserve the original file extension
- 49d1a0a: Improve hasMediaControls logic to check that node has
- 875e920: [Qt] Fix the Phonon build when logging is disabled
- c783730: nrwt: make webaudio work w/o content-length header
- 76b5e1b: Some warning fixes. Values in switch not handled, and
- 84acac4: To support building namespaced Qt, we require that forward-declarations
- 4e7dfba: To support building namespaced Qt, we require that forward-declarations
- cbc9953: [Qt] Warning fixes on comparisons between a signed and an unsigned.
- 98ac1d2: [Qt] It made two Qt API tests fail
- f098de2: Crash in WebCore::RenderMathMLSubSup::baselinePosition()
- 7d066c3: Add some asserts for array boundary checks in TextRun. Fix
- 1be60bc: [Qt] Implement download feature for QtTestBrowser
- 0558b11: [Qt] Implement download feature for QtTestBrowser
- 774ce62: Skip editing/pasteboard tests on mac which are failing on QtWebKit-2.2
- cf5cbfe: Skip fast/forms/selectlist-minsize.html on mac
- b1708ec: fast/viewport/viewport-45.html fails in GTK+/Qt
- 719ffbe: [Qt] Fix Symbian build with RVCT 2.x
- 7b8defb: [Qt][Symbian] API test failure qdeclarativewebview
- f1e20a4: [Qt] Fix the error code for media resource failures when using QtMobility
- d7ac689: [Symbian] Float{32,64}Array and Int16Array fail to build.
- 607d7b9: [Qt] FrameLoaderClient: Check Vector::find() return value for WTF::notFound.
- 55ed382: [Qt] Build fix for building QtWebKit inside of Qt.
- 487019b: Webkit on SPARC Solaris has wrong endian
- 8c2f686: [Qt] Fix the in-tree build on Linux
- bccfdf0: Use after free in WebCore::ContainerNode::parserAddChild
- a4967d9: Test for WebCore::WebKitCSSKeyframesRuleInternal::nameAttrSetter() - crash
- 3fc489e: Crashes in RenderLayerBacking::paintingGoesToWindow
- 6ece1fd: [Qt] Fix 'headers' autotest when building inside Qt.
- 9b9da6b: REGRESSION(84329): Stylesheets on some pages do not load
- d322e51: Bug 62405 - Fix integer overflow in Array.prototype.push
- 995f424: Bug 62405 - Fix integer overflow in Array.prototype.push
- 352e253: Calling WebKitBlobBuilder.append with null argument should not crash
- ad3c470: Tests that trying to remove all document children while building a svg <use>
- 196b505: Null parent element sheet pointers in CSSMutableStyleDeclaration consumers
- 1e0a6b8: <rdar://problem/9513180> REGRESSION (r84166): recalcStyle for display:inline to display:none transition has complexity N
2 where N is the number of child Text nodes - f49c89c: [Qt] tst_QWebFrame::overloadedSlots() fails
- 8c92d0c: REGRESSION (r81518): Crash in makeRange() when invoking the dictionary panel over a file input
- 7a48fd2: Crash in WebCore::RenderMathMLUnderOver::layout()
- ceea7a3: [Qt] Don't include convenience "QWebFoo" headers in WebKit code.
- a2ce773: [Qt] Inconsistent behavior on a form submit request...
- b64ad02: [Qt] Fix wrong framework generation on MacOS when inside Qt 4.8.
- 0de6fbe: http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/88796
- 7a6f64d: [Qt] [Symbian] GraphicsLayer: support plugins on symbian
- 03f1407: Null dereference in WebCore::RenderBlock::splitFlow regarding use of multicol, inline-block, and spanning elements
- 8cee9cc: Frequent crashes due to null frame below ApplicationCacheHost::scheduleLoadFallbackResourceFromApplicationCache
- 55c2361: Tests that accessing the parent stylesheet in nodes (not in document)
- 4485d36: Using null bytes when setting innerHTML in XTHML results in assertion and a crash due to null-pointer dereference
- 6a15735: 2011-06-16 Gabor Loki <loki@webkit.org>
- 4c2e373: new test introduced in r89118, but fail on Qt
- 6807e9b: When style changes for a RenderBlock and we lose our ability to intrude into
- 7074901: Add containsFloats call to hasOverhangingFloats.
- 61e9a13: Tests that we do not crash when unable to remove floats from
- 38cac94: Minor rebaselines for qt after my r85876.
- c2c216b: Add a crash test for r85964.
- 645d101: Do not use the pushed style selector if it is not equal to the
- 5719fe2: Fix setting of document.body
- 62364a3: Coding style nit. Move ec=0 initialization, change
- f07e5e0: Replicate WidthIterator.cpp fix from r88139.
- 2c09476: RefPtr frame since it can get removed in
- dc93c25: ASSERT in WebCore::HTMLToken::appendToAttributeName when visiting www.nba.com
- aaba6ea: REGRESSION (r79060): Searching for a flight at united.com fails
- 34a007b: [Qt] Regression(60942) wrong default action for drag-and-drop.
- 2414485: Unreviewed expectations update.
- 631751d: [Qt] Fix Qt namespace on QDeclarativeWebView autotest
- 50b8e14: [Qt] The Qt WebKit Symbian .def file needs to be updated so Symbian will build
- abe135e: [Qt] Export files under Symbian Qt WebKit build
- dff1fde: Parsing issue with -webkit-calc
- 090e765: Running script from attach can remove elements from the stack of open elements
- 92bc2bc: Clamp coordinates to integers for canvas create/getImageData routines
- 9734ffa: REGRESSION: Hitting enter in the middle of this span causes the cursor to go to the end of the span
- 296ab64: [Qt] Fix tst_QWebPage::showModalDialog() API test
- 83cad9b: [Qt] Fix tst_QWebFrame::setHtmlWithResource() API test
- 57e9eab: Tests that we do not crash when doing a media query match.
- 1755be4: Build fix on Linux when using the GStreamer backend.
- b0b69c3: Rubber-stamped by Maciej Stachowiak.
- b160ef2: REGRESSION (r77740): Shadow DOM pseudo elements aren't matching when combined with descendant selectors
- 0b569f3: REGRESSION: Fullscreen video controller can't be dragged
- 312ffd4: [Qt] Remove Phonon MediaPlayer from the tree.
- 426401e: TiledBackingStore endlessly creates and destroys tiles due to an off-by-one
- 53b25a9: Crash in TextIterator
- f858c34: Fix removal of overhanging floats on style changes to absolute/fixed position.
- 2b104d4: [Qt] tst_QWebFrame::overloadedSlots() fails
- d30a30a: Full-screen live streams have status text in wrong location
- 8fea0b2: [Qt] Use QtQuick imports in Api tests rather than old deprecated Qt 4.x imports.
- dad7a55: Crash on www.crave.cnet.com in FrameView::windowClipRect()
- 46db30c: [Qt] Use <QtX/x.h> style of headers for Qt tests which rely on it.
- add65a5: [Qt] Fix tst_QWebPage::showModalDialog() API test
- b3c9336: [Qt] Fix tst_QWebFrame::setHtmlWithResource() API test
- 78c01ef: Remove safeFloatToInt() in FloatRect.cpp and replace with working version of clampToInteger()
- ea7652b: Bug 55930 - (CVE-2011-1440) Incorrect handling of 'display:' property within nested <ruby> tags
- a52dbae: [Qt] Add Qt dependencies in QtWebKit's main pro file.
- 6f7f62f: <rdar://problem/9354979> REGRESSION (r83070-r83126): Conversation takes 10 seconds to load and makes mail unresponsive
- ab9eda4: In RenderBlock, RenderWidget and RenderReplaced destroy functions,
- 0f5b11e: Crash when calling DOMSubtreeModified event when extracting range
- 74bcfbc: [Qt] QML Webview causes performance drops
- 2b44c16: [Qt][Symbian] Update .def file for Symbian
- 173b2e2: [Qt] Fix tst_QWebFrame::renderGeometry() API test
- adb4276: Assertion failure in RenderSVGInlineText::characterStartsNewTextChunk
- 6b621d1: Skip test introduced in r90068 that fails on qtwebkit-2.2
- e3377c0: [Qt][Symbian] Update .def file for Symbian to build Tools
- dfe73c3: [Qt] Fix tst_QWebFrame::setHtmlWithResource() API test
- b2eb909: Fix unaligned userspace access for SH4 platforms.
- bf3faac: [Qt] Windowless Plugins : <input> cursor blinks even after transferring focus to plugin
- 3b8d474: Frame flattening is broken with nested frames
- c360076: Broken build on QNX
- 4817c3f: Add platform-specific results after r90338
- 5866e6f: plugins/invalidate_rect.html fails on linux ports
- 540415c: Issue with Frame lifetime due to deletion in beforeload event.
- d79bdb7: Revert "Build fix on Linux when using the GStreamer backend"
- b2cc756: make-hash-tools.pl: Perl 5.14 compatibility
- 3a4bda7: generate-webkitversion.pl should not "use Switch"
- 4cbf7a0: Clear SVGElementInstance's children immediately upon detachment
- bce34be: The beforeload event allows tracking URI changes in a frame
- 5db848f: DOMWindow::open performs a security check on a wrong window
- b0ed928: [Qt] Improve documentation of QWebView::setPage()
- 0f2aaa0: [Qt] Fix compiling errors with QtWebkit 2.2 WINSCW build.
- bce3b14: Stale pointer due to floats not removed (flexible box display)
- 5f10dde: Extend the protector of a CSS style sheet. Because checkLoaded() can recursively delete
- ff53467: Fix build breakage introduced by a previous cherry-pick
- 4e1a62f: Source/WebCore: Crash when removing unrenderered nodes in replacement fragment.
- 5b3a2e7: Disable test that is timing out in our 2.2 bots
- a7ba52c: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60778
- 57813ed: REGRESSION (r85964): Improper relayout of some nested positioned elements
- 2690506: Fix crash in IDBRequest::abort
- 5196373: Perform the JavaScript navigation check on a complete URL
- 6e2b771: When removing a shadow root, also remove it from the render tree.
- eb83f1f: Source/WebCore: Inconsistent state of TreeScope reference.
- 8c104c0: Calling window.find immediately after mutating the document crashes WebKit.
- 8a95d2b: [Qt] Add more tests to cover the behavior of loadFinished() signal
- 382deba: [Qt] QtWebkit never finishes loading sites when they are loaded after an initial QUrl fails to load.
- b1e0431: Move Full Screen Controllers into WebCore.
- 8253536: Code recently moved from WebKit -> WebCore does not pass WebCore's more strict compiler warnings. Use
- e6c68fe: Unreviewed build fix; Fix Leopard WebCore build.
- 52145a6: Fix Mac build in some configurations.
- a086be9: [Qt] Implement fullscreen support on Mac with the QuickTime backend.
- 7a53b15: [Qt] Change default backend to use GStreamer on Linux and QuickTime on Mac.
- 522bdac: [Qt] Disable video support on linux if the dependencies are not found.
- 165e417: On platforms with no glib and gstreamer we should not build javascriptcore
- d230e74: [Qt][ARM]REGRESSION(r91752): It made audio related tests fail
- b5e100f: Web Inspector: Crash by buffer overrun crash when serializing inspector object tree.
- 02c9701: fast/dom/HTMLLinkElement/link-and-subresource-test.html is flaky on chromium debug bots
- b557849: WebKit's font notification has problems when the WebKit main thread != UI thread.
- 9ee58b7: m_formElementsWithFormAttribute doesn't ref the objects it holds
- 899ebf5: Reference Geolocation object from GeoNotifier and Geolocation::setIsAllowed.
- 2f842a4: Update SVG position values on SVG DOM updates
- c955d90: Partial layout when a flex-box has visibility: collapse
- 883ca7e: QtKit is now our default media player, the define is WTF_USE_QTKIT and it's not part
- b54ce19: Source/JavaScriptCore: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60860
- 18d52e6: Reverted commit r87797, http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/87797, because it
- c1022df: Source/WebCore: Never override the policy URL on form submissions.
- 244cf0d: Regression(82144): Crash in TrailingObjects::updateMidpointsForTrailingBoxes
- 6c2f6bb: Fix incorrect checks for HTMLMediaElement
- 0c20586: [Qt] Fix build with Intel compiler on Windows
- 66b76cd: Skip tests that fail because of qtwebkit-2.2 DRT limitations
- 8ed79cb: Make sure we build when Qt is namespaced.
- a755bea: Source/WebCore: Check that we do not need layout before trying to dirty
- fbfc2f9: Source/WebCore: Crash in HTMLTreeBuilder::processAnyOtherEndTagForInBody
- 0e9f086: Crash in WebCore::editingIgnoresContent
- d054da8: Crash accessing static property on sealed object
- 4277f82: [Mac] Add a missing include path to generated headers
- 964b7e9: Source/WebCore: Crash in Document::recalcStyleSelector
- 668d03b: Move towards supporting user controlled prototypes on CanvasPixelArray
- 607eaba: Remove counter nodes from the tree and fix-up children when they are removed from the counter map.
- f011bd5: [Qt] Fix build on Lion
- b0f1d63: SimplifiedBackwardsTextIterator returns incorrect offset with first-letter rule
- 5a9b4b9: Crash in FocusController::advanceFocusInDocumentOrder
- 2a511cf: Skip failing test introduced in r92966
- fcfb7c1: Add a missing trailing whitespace to a test expectation
- b0ff91f: Add build logistics and plumbing for window.internals object.
- f3847b9: Teach Qt about window.internals
- 2777535: Support reset in WebCore::Internals
- 985a8fa: Add support of setPasswordEchoEnabled and setPasswordEchoDuration for password echo feature
- 3da1d42: Source/JavaScriptCore: Rename "makeSecure" to "fill" and remove the support for displaying last character
- 3502319: Added support for momentarily revealing last typed character in password input.
- 1703957: Add missing libWebKitSystemInterfaceLion.a to QtWebKit-2.2 branch
- 836fa24: The QtWebKit version was being overwritten by a global Qt version when
- 85d4df1: [Qt] Enable password echo on Symbian builds
- 16cbdf3: Add build flags to reduce the size of Webcore library
- 5e03a53: Revert "[Qt] Fix tst_QWebFrame::setHtmlWithResource() API test" [2/2]
- dda59e5: Revert "[Qt] Fix tst_QWebFrame::setHtmlWithResource() API test" [1/2]
- b017396: Fix build error when compiling with MinGW-w64 by disabling JIT
- fb3b470: [Qt] Do not unconditionally use pkg-config in .pro files
- 5700b25: Revert "Add build flags to reduce the size of Webcore library"
- b1e2f81: Crash in InlineBox::deleteLine due to accessing removed renderer.
- 8c18b08: Incorrect layout of :before and :after content, with display
- 87bddf0: Author: Csaba Osztrogonác <Csaba Osztrogonác>
- ee57c0a: Adding a few tests for problems affecting trunk but not QtWebKit-2.2
- 3658eb5: Source/WebCore: Style not updated for table parts in :before, :after content.
- ef09649: Based on digging of Gabor Rapcsanyi.
- f8e55e6: [Qt] Update a couple of layout test results
- 6cf2f5d: Source/WebCore: Unload events can crash us when they blank out a parent frame.
- 85204c9: [Qt] Add test for correct order of load signals in QWebPage
- 572a831: [Qt][Symbian] REGRESSION(93235) Missing .def update
- 3f29aef: Emit last progress notification before calling dispatchDidFinishLoad
- 8afc282: [Qt] Unskip API test for load signals order
- d684a2c: document-destruction-within-unload.html's expected file was added with
- b5c4e8f: Add test for testing non-existent eventsource and
- c0f2dce: Flaky crash with JavaScript URLs
- d8fc9f5: Crash in Range::processAncestorsAndTheirSiblings.
- a2bd2bb: Removed m_owner accessed in custom scrollbars.
- 8f786a9: Crash in RenderObjectChildList::destroyLeftOverChildren()
- bf20939: Style not propagated to anonymous boxes and anonymous
- 492fd51: Author: Abhishek Arya <inferno@chromium.org>
- cc833a0: [Qt][Symbian] REGRESSION[94105] DumpRenderTree.exe doesn't build on Symbian
- e2d9da8: Warnings in JSC's JIT on 32 bit
- 7692afd: Unreviewed. Qt rebaselines for r94543.
- fbbf7fb: Style not propagated to anonymous boxes and anonymous
- d88f63d: [Qt][Mac] Skip new failing tests to paint the bot green
- f433312: [Qt] Update layout test results for newer Qt 4.8.x
- 9d4ce05: REGRESSION (r66874): Missing RefPtr in ScriptController
- e5f1080: [SH4] AssemblerLabel does not name a type
- fd24285: Source/WebCore: Crash due to bad data in SVGDocumentExtensions m_pendingResources
- 226e912: :before content rendering issues with list markers and run-ins.
- 6c62962: Source/WebCore: Assert being hit in AccessibilityRenderObject::addChildren()
- c7ae625: [Qt] Unreviewed gardening after r94857. Add platform specific expected files.
- f073908: Unreviewed. Chromium, GTK, Qt rebaselines for r94857.
- ed615cf: [Qt][Mac] Skip more new failing tests to paint the bot green
- 4f9120c: [Qt][DRT] Normalize file:///tmp/LayoutTests in LayoutTestController::pathToLocalResource()
- c2fa30b: frame-loading-via-document-write.html test cases have extra slash in path
- 4950002: Fix out-of-bounds access in Gradient::sortStopsIfNecessary
- 64cce10: [Qt]http/tests/xmlhttprequest/xmlhttprequest-missing-file-exception.html
Last modified
13 years ago
Last modified on Oct 4, 2011, 12:12:04 PM
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