Changes between Version 71 and Version 72 of QtWebKitTodo

Apr 20, 2009, 6:17:27 AM (16 years ago)
Simon Hausmann



  • QtWebKitTodo

    v71 v72  
    7575Let's try to get the thing done(tm).
    77  * Add support for wrapping QWebElement in QVariant and return it in the new API, such a scriptProperty() or callScriptFunction. In the long run we would like to deprecate QWebFrame::evaluateJavaScript in favour of a function that returns a QScriptValue...
    78  * Add support for DOM events/listeners.
    79    * Make it possible to define event handlers in C++ - or conclude if this should require QtScript. Look at what QtScript has, talk to Kent. Perhaps call it addEventListener, instead of connect. (connect may be more familar to the Qt developers instead of the listener term). Does connect() replace an existing handler/connection?
    80     * Add support for triggering events.
    81  * Extend documentation with lots of snippets.
    82  * Demos & Examples.
     77 * Add support for wrapping QWebElement in QVariant and return it in the new API, such a scriptProperty() or callScriptFunction. In the long run we would like to deprecate QWebFrame::evaluateJavaScript in favour of a function that returns a QScriptValue... (Simon)
     78 * Extend documentation with lots of snippets. (Simon)
     79 * Demos & Examples. (Ariya)
     80 * Rename wrap() to wrapWith() (Kenneth)
     81 * Rename QWebElementSelection to QWebElementCollection (Tor Arne)
     82 * Fix name of XML scope (Antonio)
     83 * Change xml argument name to markup (Tor Arne)
     85== Deferred DOM API Items ==
     87 * Add support for DOM events/listeners
     88   * Add QWebElement::connectEvent()
     89   * Add support for mapping JS events to Qt events (QMouseEvent, etc.)
     90   * Add support for pure JS events (QWebEvent?)
     91   * Add support for dispatching events from C++
     92 * Add support for convenience functions on the selection/collection
    8393 * Investigate support for different backends (xml and/or query language).
    8494 * Need to add a documented method of retrieving the current selection as a QWebElementSelection, since the  ::selection psuedo-element didn't make it into the current draft of css3-selectors.