Changes between Version 15 and Version 16 of WebInspectorCodingStyleGuide

Aug 24, 2015, 10:03:29 AM (9 years ago)
BJ Burg

Update style guide


  • WebInspectorCodingStyleGuide

    v15 v16  
    88* Indent with 4 spaces
    99* The opening bracket `'{'` after a named, non-inlined function goes on the next line. Anywhere else, the opening bracket `'{'` stays on the same line.
    10 * Style for object literals is: `{key1: value1, key2: value2}`.
     10* Style for object literals is: `{key1: value1, key2: value2}`. When key and variable names coincide, use the syntax {expression} rather than {expression: expression}.
    1111* Add new lines before and after different tasks performed in the same function.
    1212* Else-blocks should share a line with leading } or }).
    1313* Long promise chains should place `.then()` blocks on a new line.
    1414* Calling a constructor with no arguments should have no parenthesis `'()'`. eg. `var map = new Map;`
    15 * Inline anonymous functions, especially if they don't need a bound `this`-object (using `.bind()`). Example:
    16 {{{
    17     this.requestRootDOMNode(function(rootNode) {
    18         ...
    19     });
    20 }}}
     15* Put anonymous functions inline if they are not used as a subroutine.
     16* Use arrow functions when possible, unless it makes code less readable. See below for examples.
    2218== Naming things
    2925== API preferences
    31 * Consider using [ `Map` and `Set` collections] instead of plain objects.
    32 * Consider using `hsla()' over hex or RGB colors in CSS.
    33 * Use `for..of` syntax when performing small actions on each element. Use `forEach` when the function body is longer. Use a classical for loop when doing index math.
     27* Use [ `Map` and `Set` collections] instead of plain objects if the key values are unknown or not monotonic (i.e., frequently added then removed).
     28* Use `hsla()' over hex or RGB colors in CSS.
     29* Use `for..of` syntax when performing actions on each element. Use `forEach` when chaining methods in a functional style. Use a classical for loop when doing index math.
    3430* When using `forEach` or `map`, supply the `this`-object as the optional second parameter rather than binding it.
    35 * In promise chains, assign `const instance = this;' and capture a reference to `instance` to avoid noisy calls to Function.prototype.bind().
     31* In promise chains, use arrow functions for lexical `this`, rather than assigning `const instance = this;' or `.bind`ing every function's `this`-argument.
     32* Use destructuring assignment when digging values out of a JSON object or "args" object.
     33* Use default parameters when it makes sense.
     34* Use `super` to make calls to base class (possibly overridden) methods.
    3736== Layering and abstractions
    4039* Avoid accessing *View classes from *Manager or *Object classes. This is a layering violation that prevents writing tests for models.
    4140* Avoid storing DOM elements in *Manager or *Object classes. (see above.)
    42 * Avoid using Inspector TypeBuilders outside of InspectorAgent classes. We want to isolate protocol considerations from other functionality in JavaScriptCore and WebCore.
     41* In the backend, avoid using Inspector TypeBuilders outside of InspectorAgent classes. We want to isolate protocol considerations from other functionality in JavaScriptCore and WebCore.
    4443== Understanding and Using Promises
    48471. Become __fulfilled__ by a **value**
    49482. Become __rejected__ with an **Error instance** or by throwing an exception
     50A promise that is eiher fulfilled or rejected is said to be __settled__. A promise that has not settled is said to be __pending__.
    5152And, if you have a correctly implemented `then()` function, then fulfillment and rejection will compose just like their synchronous counterparts, with fulfillments flowing up a compositional chain, but being interrupted at any time by a rejection that is only handled by someone who declares they are ready to handle it.
    5960* Use `Promise.all()` with `map()` to process an array of asynchronous work in parallel. Use `Promise.all()` with `reduce()` to sequence an array asynchronous work.
    6061* If a result may be a promise or an actual value, wrap the value in a promise, e.g., `Promise.resolve(val)`
    61 * Use `.catch()` at the end of a chain to perform error handling. Most promise chains should have a catch block to avoid dropping errors.
     62* Use `.catch()` at the end of a chain to perform error handling. '''Most promise chains should have a catch block to avoid dropping errors'''.
    6263* To reject a promise, throw an `Error` instance or call the `reject` callback with an `Error` instance.
    6364* A `.catch()` block is considered resolved if it does not re-throw an `Error` instance. Re-throw if you want to log an error message and allow other parts of a chain (i.e, an API client) to handle an error condition.
    6465* Don't directly pass a promise's `resolve` function to `Object.addEventListener`, as it will leak the promise if the event never fires. Instead, use a single-fire `WebInspector.EventListener` object defined outside of the promise chain and connect it inside a `.then()` body. Inside the `.catch` block, disconnect the `EventListener` if necessary.
    6566* For APIs that return promises, document what the fulfilled value will be, if any. Example: `createSession() // --> (sessionId)`
     68== Arrow Functions
     70Arrow functions simplify a common use of anonymous functions by providing a shorter syntax, lexical binding of `this` and `arguments`, and implicit return. While this new syntax enables new levels of terse code, we must take care to keep our code readable.
     72=== Implicit return
     74Arrow functions with one expression have an implicit return. All of these are equivalent (modulo `this` binding, arguments, constructor usage, etc.):
     771   let foo = val => val;
     782   let foo = (val) => val
     793   let foo = (val) => val;
     804   let foo = (val) => { return value++; }
     815   let foo = function doStuff(val) { return value++; }
     84Never use option (1), because it is a special case that only applies when the function has one argument, reducing predictability.
     86In cases where the return value is used and the expression is a constant ("foo"), a variable (foo), or a member (, use option (2) (with braces if the arrow function is inlined).
     88In cases where the expression computes a value (a + 42) or performs a side effect (++a), prefer option (4).
     89In some sense, curly braces are a signpost to the effect of "careful, we do actual work here".
     94setTimeout(() => { testRunner.notifyDone(); }, 0)
     100setTimeout(() => { testRunner.notifyDone() }, 0); // return value not used
     103=== When not to arrow
     105When assigning a function to a subclass prototype (in the old way of setting up classes), always use the normal function syntax, to avoid breaking subclasses who use a different 'this' binding. Note that arrow functions are NOT acceptable for assigning functions to singleton objects like WebInspector, since the captured lexical `this` is typically the global object.
     110Base.prototype.compute = function(a, b, c) { ... }
     111Foo.prototype.compute = function(a, b, c) {, a, b, c); }
     113WebInspector.UIString = function(format, args) { ... }
     119Base.prototype.compute = (a, b, c) => { ... }
     120Foo.prototype.compute = (a, b, c) => {, a, b, c); }
     122WebInspector.UIString = (format, args) => { ... } // this will be window.
     125Also use the normal function syntax when naming an anonymous function improves readability of the code. In this case, use Function.prototype.bind or assign the arrow function into a local variable first.
     131    .then(function resolved(value) { ... },
     132        function rejected(value) { ... });
     139    .then((value) => { ... },
     140        (value) => { ... })
    67143== New class skeleton
    75151       super();
    76152       this._propertyName = param;
     153    }
     155    // Static
     156    computeBestWidth(things)
     157    {
     158        ....
     159        return 3.14159;
    77160    }
    118 == Old class skeleton
    120 Some existing Inspector object classes have not been converted to ES6 classes. The should conform to the following format:
    122 {{{
    123 WebInspector.NewObjectType = function()
    124 {
    127     this._propertyName = ...;
    128 }
    130 WebInspector.NewObjectType.Event = {
    131     PropertyWasChanged: "new-object-type-property-was-changed"
    132 };
    134 WebInspector.NewObjectType.prototype = {
    135     constructor: WebInspector.NewObjectType,
    136     __proto__: WebInspector.Object.prototype,
    138     // Public
    140     get propertyName()
    141     {
    142         return this._propertyName;
    143     },
    145     set propertyName(value)
    146     {
    147         this._propertyName = value;
    148         this.dispatchEventToListeners(WebInspector.NewObjectType.Event.PropertyWasChanged);
    149     },
    151     publicMethod: function()
    152     {
    153         /* public methods called outside the class */
    154     }
    156     // Protected
    158     handleEvent: function(event)
    159     {
    160         /* delegate methods, event handlers, and overrides. */
    161     },
    163     // Private
    165     _privateMethod: function()
    166     {
    167         /* private methods are underscore prefixed */
    168     }
    169 };
    170 }}}